同城头条  >  本地  >  【中英对译】这个元宵节 晋江这群外国人“接地气”了一把!
【中英对译】这个元宵节 晋江这群外国人“接地气”了一把!
2019年02月26日 22:23   浏览:1561   来源:晋江同镇









On the night of Lantern Festival, the streets of Jinjiang were decorated with a great number of lanterns. The whole city was bustling with people enjoying lanterns, guessing lantern riddles and eating yuanxiao (sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour).


In order for foreigners to experience the authentic Lantern Festival, Jinjiang Economy News organized some foreigners to celebrate the Festival together on the 19th. Twenty-one foreigners gathered in Jinjiang Newspaper Building to make lanterns, wrap yuanxiao, play games and enjoy lantern shows, all of which contributed to their colorful experiences during Lantern Festival.


Lantern making competition

做花灯  比比赛

Around 5:00 that afternoon, foreign friends arrived one after another. After making the self-introductions, Mel and Tony from the Philippines became the leaders of the activities. "Now we'll start sending out materials. Let's have a lantern making competition and play in groups." They volunteered to hand out materials with Oksana Tsurunova and Alice from Russia and shouted for team competition to see who would finish the lantern making first.

当天下午5时,外国友人就陆续到场。在一轮自我介绍后,性格开朗、来自菲律宾的Mel和Tony成为活动的主导者。“我们一起做花灯吧,开始发材料了,大家分组来比赛。”他们与来自俄罗斯的Oksana Tsurunova 和Alice主动分发素材,并吆喝着要组队比赛,看谁先完成灯笼的制作。

Lantern making is obviously not an easy task. Especially, it was the first time for most of the foreign friends present. Wrapping red ropes, installing candles, splicing lamp bodies, none of them was easy, but the foreigners were patient and kept going step by step. "One more step done. Give me five!" After each step of assembling, they would celebrate each other.


alice和Oksana Tsurunova

As a building engineer, Alice skillfully completed the construction of the lantern framework, and took the initiative as a teacher to show others the process. "First you may have this part assembled, then put them together."


However, they felt quite confused when it came to the key step of assembling on the lantern the four Chinese characters "吉祥如意", which means auspicious and pleasant. The hilarious mistakes such as putting the characters in the wrong order or upside down made the staff members present burst into laughter.


Alice and Oksana were the first to complete the lantern. Holding high their lantern, they took a photo as a memento. When Billy Baptist and Chris finished the lantern, they immediately picked up their mobile phones and recorded a video joyfully, sharing it with their families and friends far away in the United States.

Alice和Oksana 第一个完成制作,他们高举灯笼合影留念。而Billy Baptist和Chris做完花灯后,立马拿起手机开心地录下视频,将其分享给远在美国的家人和朋友。

With their DIY lanterns in hand, the foreign friends examined their own products with great relish, as if they had a treasure that they would not let go of.


Making and eating yuanxiao

搓汤圆  吃汤圆

With the end of the lantern making, the foreign friends became familiar with each other, and began to talk and laugh in full swing. However, staring at the yuanxiao fillings and flour used to wrap the sweet dumplings, the foreign friends had no idea how to deal with them. 


Noura, who came from Tunisia, tried to grab a little flour and sprinkle it on the stuffing, guessing that heating in the oven could help to make yuanxiao. At the same time, Noura and Rim exchanged their own ideas in Arabic for a while. Finally, after several trials, they succeeded in finding out the solution – dipping the fillings in water quickly and then rolling them a few circles in the flour would make the sweet dumplings round and big.


Under their guidance, Pooyasaf and Monty from India helped to make a large pot of yuanxiao. Pooyasaf, whose face was a little bit floured, proudly said, "It is hard to imagine I could have talent for making yuanxiao!"


Pooyasaf 和Monty

The boiled sweet dumplings were in a variety of shapes, but everyone enjoyed eating the hand-made dumplings. Monty could not help trying a second bite. Sam from Canada participated in the event with his wife. He told the reporter, "Eating the sweet dumplings not only makes us full but also brings a sense of happiness."


While eating yuanxiao, foreign friends seized the chance to practice the greeting in Chinese "Yuan Xiao Kuai Le" (Happy Lantern Festival). Again, the restaurant was filled with laughter and diverse versions of pronunciation. Finally, Billy got the title of "Best Chinese Pronunciation" with his most standard Mandarin.


Enjoying lantern shows

逛灯展  引围观

After eating yuanxiao, they would go to Wudianshi historical community to enjoy the lanterns. The staff reminded that on the night of Lantern Festival, Wudianshi would be overcrowded and more regard should be paid to safety. "It’s a must-see! We are mainly going to see the crowd. The festive atmosphere is better." Billy said excitedly.

吃过汤圆,就要去五店市传统街区看花灯。在出发前,工作人员提醒,元宵节当晚,五店市人满为患,需要注意安全。 “一定要去,我们主要就是去看人的。这样过节的气氛更好。” Billy兴奋地说。

That night, the nine foreign friends were divided into two groups, and they took their own lanterns to go to Wudianshi, which drew a large crowd. Locals and tourists there enthusiastically took photos with them. Mr. Huang, who came from Chongqing, told the reporter, "It’s great to see foreign friends on traditional Chinese festivals. It shows the clout of our Chinese culture."


Emiliano and Dario from Italy had not been able to make their own lanterns due to work arrangements. When meeting their friends in Wudianshi, they said, "I just saw the video of the activities shared by other friends. I cannot wait to join them and spend the Lantern Festival with them."


In the lantern exhibition area, they exclaimed at all kinds of marvelous lanterns and took many photos. They wandered around and occasionally asked the passers-by about the meaning of different lanterns. They nodded when they got the idea.


Wandering all the way until 10 o'clock at night, with the lanterns gradually went out, all the foreign friends had to say goodbye. Before leaving, Monty did not forget to ask the reporter, “Will activities like this be available every day?" His friends also echoed, hoping that more events would be held.


This event received unanimous praise from foreign friends. "In this event, many foreign friends who did not know each other became friends. "This not only gives them holiday greetings, but also makes them learn more about the traditional culture of Jinjiang and spread the 'Jinjiang Story' to more foreigners," concluded one of the organizers of the event.


Interesting sidelights


The first Chinese name


Rim from Tunisia came to Jinjiang less than one week ago. That day was her first time to experience Lantern Festival in Jinjiang, so she was quite excited.  


During lantern making, she made her own lantern with success, but one of the DIY steps was to write down her own words on the lantern.


Without a Chinese name, Rim was hoping to have one, so the staff members and foreigners present had a brainstorm for Rim's Chinese name.


Then, one Chinese word occurred to the reporter's mind: “Lin”, meaning a fine jade in Chinese, and it sounds similar to her name, Rim. After hearing the reporter's explanation, Rim accepted this name with excitement, and asked the reporter to write down the name on the lantern at once.


Seeing her name on the lantern, Rim said happily, "This Chinese name sounds beautiful and the character looks beautiful too."


Rock-paper-scissors game with the statue


While enjoying the lanterns that night, the foreigners stopped constantly on the way, and finally arrived at the lotus pond in Wudianshi.


On the pond was a ship like lantern racing on the water, which made all the wonder at its beauty.


Then, Mel caught sight of a bronze statue by the pond, with an open palm. This intrigued Mel's great imagination.


He ran out of the crowd, stood in front of the statue, and posed a "scissors" gesture, assuming to have a rock-paper-scissors game with the statue. His friend Noura saw that and joined him, and they even asked their other friends to take photos of them beating the statue with the "scissors" against "paper".


Such an interesting scene drew the attention of the local people, who laughed and gathered around these genius foreigners and filmed this scene with their mobiles, while ignoring the beautiful lanterns. 


message board



Noura Rose Harmonie: Thank you dear! all the pleasures. I am looking for the upcoming events. I really enjoyed it!

Noura Rose Harmonie: 太感谢你了,亲爱的,让我拥有了开心的时光!我非常期待接下来的新活动!


Oksana Tsurunova: Wonderful! It is only been one week there in Jinjiang, but this event makes me love this city more. Thanks a lot. 

Oksana Tsurunova:太棒了!虽然只来到晋江一个星期的时间,但这个活动让我更爱这个城市!感谢!


Mel: Great to know you guys, I am happy to have this chance to join this party. The best Lantern Festival ever!

Mel: 很高兴能认识你们!很高兴能有这个机会参加这个活动!最好的元宵节!



本报记者:柯恺筠  陈巧玲 文图



本期翻译:许剑辉 郑芷芳 柯招榕 黄雅君
